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We can access these options via the waitUntil option that we pass to page.goto. Puppeteer gives us four events we can wait on to detect when a page has loaded. How to know when a Page is loaded in Puppeteer In general, there is no one size fits all solution, and usually different websites require different strategies.īelow we describe a few different strategies to determine when a page has fully loaded. Striking the right balance between the page being fully loaded and getting a quick screenshot is quite a challenge when it is applied generally to any website. Waiting for too long after the page is loaded, means we are wasting unneccessary time and causing the screenshot request to take longer than is required. Taking a screenshot before the page has fully loaded will result in a bad screenshot where images are not loaded and styles have not been parsed and applied. Knowing when a page has finished loading is a crucial first step to taking accurate website screenshots with puppeteer.

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